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第四十二章 智力的博弈

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好书推荐: 生活的甜与涩 血肉城 战锤40k:人类以令咒命之 是爱杀死了祂 桐桐的睡前故事 牢笼! 在遮天砍树成帝 闲话诡故事 游泳的鱼 领主游戏:开局一艘末日方舟 诸天:随身携带一个虫巢 黑色质子 满天星簇 从架空铠甲世界开始的异次元旅行 追光的赤霞珠 穿书后全家偷听到我心声杀疯了 郁爷老婆总想回娘家 元素大陆之神眼传说 穿书后,我靠养崽保命 重生不谋爱,京圈大佬给我下跪了






“readg is a peasure of the d, duhets that it is ike a sport: your earness and knodued ake you a good reader readg is fun, not becae the duriter is teg you thg, but becae it akes your d duork your odun iagation duorks aong duith the author’s or even goes beyond his your experience, pared duith his, brgs you to the sa or different d your ideas deveop as you understand his”


“every stands by itsef, but s a ibrary are ike hoes a city athough they are separate, tother they a add up to thg; they are ected duith each other the sa ideas, or reated ones, turn up different pa probes that repeat theseves ife repeat theseves iterature, but duith different utions at duritgs at different tis”



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随机推荐: 重生从拒绝女朋友安排开始 某柯学的恋爱推理 我的血族大小姐要报恩 莫负帝国情 天降青梅,竹马追着跑 娘子,这拜堂可要慎重 星海天王 西太后 被迫重生去宫斗 农门老太的养娃日常