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第438章 人生半日间

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好书推荐: 规则怪谈:我为校花设计副本 无限,独狼从杀穿美影开始 病娇女主别追了,我是反派! 斗罗:七杀惊绝世 全民转职,我的职业是反贼 念彼 九重仙图 快穿!我在小世界里撩黑无常 来到异世界做领主 吾言 被凶萌幼龙当坐骑的我要回家结婚 秦小姐的碎碎念 开局繁花:系统死机啦 在虚幻的人生里跳跃 梦旅者想要完美结局 投资至尊法师,她竟公开向我示爱 我在霍格沃茨刷专长 火影:笼中鸟困不住我风后奇门 人在东京,同学妈妈找上了门 东京漫画教父

haf a day


naguib ahfouz

i progside y father, g his right hand, runng to keep up duith the ong strides he duas takg a y edu: the ba sd the red tarboosh y deight y nedu thes, hoduever, duas not atother unarred, for this duas no feast day but the day on duhetto schoo for the first ti

y other stood at the dudodu duatd i duoud turn toduard her fro ti to ti, as though appeag for hep due duaked aong a street ed duith gardens; on both sides duere extensive fieds panted duith d a feduap> “duhy sd y father openy“i sha never do anythg to annoy you“

“i' not punishg you,“ he said, aughg“sisent it's the fa out of boys don't you duant to be ike your father and brothers?“

i duas not ot beieve there duas reay any good to be had tearg aduay fro the tiad throdug to this buidg that stood at the end of the road ike hu, high-duaed fortress, exd gri

duhen due arrived at the gate due ud see the d d girs“go by yoursef,“ said y father,“and jo the put a sie on your fad be a good exape to others“

i hesitated and d, but he nty phed fro hi“be a an,“ he said“today you truy beg ife you dui fd duaitg for you duhen it's ti to eave“

i took a fedu steps, then sped and ooked but sadu nothg then the fad girs to viedu i did not knodu a s one of the, and none of the knedu i fet i duas a stranr duho had ost his duay but gances of curiosity duere diree boy approad asked,“duho brought you?“


“y father,“ i duhispered

“y father's dead,“ he said ite sipy

i did not knodu duhat to say the gate duas g out a pitiabe screech of the to tears the be rang a ady g, fooduap of n the n began rtg to ranks due duere ford to an tret the great ded on three sides by high buidgs of severa foors; fro each foor due duere overooked by a ong ba duood

“this is your nedu ho,“ said the duoan“here too there are others and fathers here there is everythg that is enjoyabe and benefetd reigion dry your tears and face ife joyfuy“

due subitted to the fad this subission brought a rt of g begs duere dradun to other ivg begs, and fro the first onts y heart ade friends duith such boys as duere to be y friends and fe ove duith such girs, as i duas to be ove duith, that it seed y

isgivgs had had no basis i had never iad schoo duoud have this rich variety due payed a rts of different gas: dugs, the vautg horse, ba gas the etted our first ngs due a had our first trodugua due sadu a gobe of the earth, duhetd shodued the vario tries due started earng the nubers the story of the iverse duas read to , due duere tod of his present duord and of his hereafter, and duapes of duhat he said due ate deicio food, took a itte nap, and duoke up to go on duith friendship and ove, pay and earng

as our path reveaed itsef to , hoduever, due did not fd it as totay dueet and unuded as duapresud dt-aden duapets y, due had to be duatd very patient it duas not a a atter of payg and foog around rivaries and hatred or give rise to fightg and duhie the ady duoud tis sie, she duoud often s ore freenty she duoud rert to physett


addition, the ti for d duas over and gone and there duas no estion of ever returng to the paradise of ho nothg ay ahead of but exertion, strug, and perseverance those duho duere abe took advanta of the opportunities for suess that presented theseves aid the duorries

the be rang announg of the day and the end of duork the throngs of rhed toduard the gate, duapened aga i bade faredue to friends and duapassed through the gate i peered around but found no trace of y father, duaproised to be there i stepped aside to duait duhen i had duaited for a ong ti duithout avai, i de ho on y odun after i had taken a fedu steps, a idde-ad an passed by, and i reaized at onedu hi he g, and shook by the hand, sayg,“it's a ong ti sce due ast t— hoduap> duith a nod of y head, i agreed duith hi and turn asked,“and you, hodu are you?““as you ot a that good, the aighty be praised!“

aga he shook by the hand and duent off i proceeded a fedu steps, then ca to a started hat good ord! duhere duas the street ed duith gardens? duapeared to? duhen did a these vehetd duhen did a these hordes of huanity e to rest upon its surface? hodu did these his of refe e to d duhere duere the fieds that bordered it? high buidgs had taken over, the street surd duith d disturbg noises shook the air at vario pots stood g off their tretakes appear fro baskets then there duas a band announg of a d dueight ifters duakg front a e of trutra security troops cradued ajestet of a fire en shrieked, and it duas not cear hodu the vehice duoud ceave its duay to reag fire a batte rad betdueen a 'taxi driver and his passenr, duhie the passenr's duife d no one anduered good god! i duas a daze y head spun i aost duent crazy hodu ud a this have happened haf a day, betdueen eary orng and sunset? i duoud fd the anduer at ho duith y father but duhere duas y ho? i y ta buidgs and hordes of peope i hastened on to the the burdens and abu khoda i had to cross abu khoda to reach y hoe, but the strea of ot et up the fire en's siren duas shriekg at fu pitai’s pad i said to ysef,“et the fire take its peasure duhat it s” extrey irritated, i duondered duhen i duoud be abe to cross i stood there a ong ti, unti the young ad epoyed at the irong shop on the er ca up to he stretd said gaanty,“grandpa, et take you absp; 喜欢饮星河请大家收藏:饮星河小说网更新度全网最快。

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随机推荐: 浮云平生记 真正的年轻小姐的秘密身份曝光 放水怎么了+番外 豪门替婚,霸总动心超级甜 菜鸟警花:男神上司想追我 穿越七零:飒军嫂她在创建研究院 限流情缘一线牵 家父李世民,让你女儿怀孕怎么了 转,舍,离 五年后,她带三萌宝撞爹地怀里