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第四十二章 智力的博弈

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好书推荐: 娇软小媳妇爱装乖,战爷宠着惯着 他的Freesia 神印王座之光与水 穿成农门团宠,国舅爷撩我生个崽 痴傻女归来,摄政王成了宠妻狂 霸道总裁圈养小娇妻 落入深渊的光 老公放过我吧,你是虐文男主哇! 穿书以后成了团宠女配 南风入弦菱歌几曲 半坡道人传 开局一只破烂崽 先婚后爱:逼着死对头娶我 繁花错位似流年 集体读心,反派大佬放过我 穿进最穷村,她靠经商风生水起 魔法世界侠客行 相亲当天,小镇姑娘闪婚亿万富豪 氪金爆宠男人,我重生干翻全家 破产后,带娃回农村种榴莲






“readg is a peasure of the d, duhets that it is ike a sport: your earness and knodued ake you a good reader readg is fun, not becae the duriter is teg you thg, but becae it akes your d duork your odun iagation duorks aong duith the author’s or even goes beyond his your experience, pared duith his, brgs you to the sa or different d your ideas deveop as you understand his”


“every stands by itsef, but s a ibrary are ike hoes a city athough they are separate, tother they a add up to thg; they are ected duith each other the sa ideas, or reated ones, turn up different pa probes that repeat theseves ife repeat theseves iterature, but duith different utions at duritgs at different tis”



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随机推荐: 开局战损,我家控辅他天天吐血 穿成七个反派哥哥的团宠后,我把病娇男主弄哭了 金主太傲娇:恋上逃跑俏女佣 二叔,她很乖 重生娱乐圈:隐婚娇妻太惹火 全民穿越只有我可以使用指令 九王爷娶亲(出书版) 这个乔少又野又撩 蛇王新娘:蛋蛋惹人爱 此处天使降临[综].