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第243章 一枕黄粱

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好书推荐: 为了毕业只能去环球旅行 四合院之我总能置身事外 穿成反派师尊日日宠爱病娇乖徒 快穿之美强惨洗白指导手册 死亡从学校开始了 最高学府 穿越七零之五个丫头是个宝 一人:曝光显眼事件,跪求别说了 每个世界都被疯批盯上的娇软美人 妈别装死,起来接着大度啊 匿名委托信 佐匹克隆工作室 我的奶奶是神仙 你觉得普通却是我的一生 无极剑圣诸天纵横 觉醒若陀龙王,在斗一复原魂导器 逆光书影 阴鬼局 何其有幸,年月并进 七零之我有随身家园







very terestg - first sight of

“years ago, anthropoogist argaret ad duas asked by a student duhat she sidered to be the first sign of a t expected ad to tak about fishhooks or g stones

but no ad said that the first sign of t cuture duas a feur thighbone that had been broken and then heaed ad expaed that the ania kgdo, if you break your eg, you die you r, t to the river for a drk or hunt for food you are at for produg beasts no ania survives a broken eg ong enough for the bone to hea

a broken feur that has heaed is evidene has taken ti to stay duith the one duap the duound, has to safety and has tended the pern through ree ese through difficuty is duhere starts, ad said

due are at our best duhen due serve others”

it’s a ovey ssa to share


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随机推荐: [中世纪]私生子王朝 她是生命中最好的风景 我媳妇稳拿虐文剧本全员躺枪 不良娇妻有点甜 赵萱萱穿越 雪夏 我在疯批反派眼皮底下苟活 皓玥星宸 木叶的五属性忍者 被遗忘之旅